
Birth is a word that is quite often associated with out of wedlock. If you are born out of wedlock then somehow that is a bad thing. My understanding is that in America 72% of black kids are born, wait for it, out of wedlock. You know what that means, if black guys are fathering most of these kids then black guys have pretty much figured it out. figured out how to have sex and not end up trapped in the dreaded wedlock. Now I must tell you there really is a downside to growing up without a man in the house. I know this from personal experience. It wasn't for a long time but for the time that it was this sort of weird sense of Manliness comes over you as this tiny little kid. Like you're supposed to be protecting the frontier against the evils of the universe and here you are like 5 years old. When you can't even protect your own teddy bear, it's ridiculous. There's something about having Dad in the house that just makes things safer regardless of whether they really are or not. But 72% of black kids are growing up with this sort of weird unrealistic expectation of manhood being thrust onto them right out of the womb. 72% of little black kids running around with no dads 72% never get to know the joy of having Dad tie on that first fishing hook and then flinging a live worm out into the water. 72% of them stuck in the city the stench of it almost infused into their poor little brains. Let's not quit black guys just because your dad was a total loser you need to throw off your well whatever it is you're throwing off and settle down with that woman of your lust, I mean dreams.

On the other side of the equation, black chicks you're going to somehow have to regain that ability to make the institutional entrapment of wedlock more desirable. Or more required or something. Yes it's obvious that we're not going to change 15 billion years of evolution by saying something as silly as I'm not going to have sex with you unless we get married. And if you divorce me I'll kill you. It's not clear how well this approach works but somehow we need dad's back in the picture black chicks and I'm not making it your fault, but lets remember,  you're half the equation.

To women everywhere, you may have to say something as simple as I want you to marry me and stay married. It's one of those lifetime commitment things. We've reached this strange situation where alarm Bells start going off in the guy's brain when he hears something like that and this giant voice starts screaming out there are other women that won't place these harsh restrictions on you. run for your life. It's weird it's a mess it's not working very well. Wedlock, it sounds evil it sounds well unpleasant it sounds terminal. Somehow there are some couples that learn to retain their individual identities and stay married and be faithful and have some of that conjugal Duty stuff and actually make it together a lifetime. But in 72% of the black community that is not happening today.

Public schools are all about using protection but not about marriage. Well you're not going to get pregnant using protection that's ridiculous. And frankly guys really aren't all that big on protection either. I mean where is the element of risk and danger in that? So I mean if we're going to have the public schools raising our kids they need to be teaching them that marriage is part of what you're supposed to do you know like wolves that mate for life yeah well we're those animals that have evolved to a higher state and we're supposed to mate for life also you know make it sound romantic or something.

There is no magic wand to make it work. It's largely miserable. We're driven by hormones and cultural dysfunction.  and both sides feel like they're the ones making all the sacrifice. They're the one having to give in all the time. They're the one that never gets the stuff they want. They're the one giving in they're the one suffering. Well there are some couples that can just keep saying that their whole lifetime and make it to the end together. I don't really see some you know positive mental attitude solution that's going to take all that away. Maybe there is, if so don't hesitate to comment. You could save marriage in the black community in fact the larger community as a whole.


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