The term itself

Wedlock, it sounds like some sort of horrible imprisonment or you're locked in some dungeon being tortured well maybe not in a dungeon maybe it's not complete torture I mean after all you do have conjugal duties. Maybe we should be talking about conjugal duties I think guys find that part of the relationship much more desirable and agreeable than wedlock. The dreaded curse on men. That thing that saps them of that Spirit of exploration that desire to look to the horizon and pursue it with wild abandon. Oh no you don't you're in dot-dot-dot wedlock. You're not going anywhere little mister occasionally you'll get to perform some conjugal duties otherwise your life is over.

My understanding is that women view this all completely differently. Somehow it is some sort of weird state of bliss. Where they feel some sense of security and purpose and somehow fulfilled. Having kids and watching her husband reduced to a handy man and the orchestrator of small family dreams.

Any sense of wonder at the horizon and what lies Beyond is completely erased from her mind. Visiting the Grand Canyon, Maybe. But hiking all the way to the bottom of it and back up. Only someone completely insane would even think of doing that. Let's just watch it on YouTube darling, or get the Blu-ray. It looks so much better on our 71 inch screen anyway. Yeah you'll have time for watching that 71 inch screen right after you finish the dishes little mister.

If you're a woman and having a hard time finding a man willing to do this anymore, don't despair. There are guys out there that simply View you as the object of their fulfillment. They can't imagine a life apart from you. Yes they are out there, but as you might imagine it comes with a price. They're going to expect you 2 remain faithful. And if you should stray they might become irrational. Of course if both of you are locked in this wedlock thing then it all works out just fine.

The two lovebirds.



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